This was the first label I did for Ron Menin who's the master behind all of these great sauces. Habanero Mango Salvation is still one of my favorites of his. This label includes all of the brand's main colors and the layout we used for all of them. We like to just switch the colors of each sauce, change our mascot "Molli" to fit the sauce and the flavor logo. It took many drafts to get Molli right who was based loosely on a friend of Ron's as well as the 50's pin-up Betty Page.

This one was a special edition version of Habanero Mango Salvation based off of Rosie the Riveter.

Retro Jalapeno we had some disagreements about direction wise. Ron wanted to do hair metal but I thought a pixelated Gameboy one would look cool. I'm glad Ron fought me because I really like the way this one turned out. I based it off a few different hair metal bands and images. The pose was based off Joan Jett I believe. Below are some sketches from doing Retro Jalapeno.
This was my original idea in our early format that was a bit too cluttered. We decided we didn't really need a heat meter on the bottle or Ron's quote. This also had the bonus Gameboy design for the whole theme of this particular sauce. Like I said, I'm glad we didn't go with this one.

This one probably would have been just fine as well. I definitely used Michael Jackson's hand from "Bad." I also used his pants in the final version. The hair in the sketch above is a bit too modern and not big enough for hair metal but I dig it.

This was an easy one. We wanted to do a secret agent thing. There ya have it!

This one was based off of Marilyn Monroe from the classic movie "The Seven Year Itch." This one was really difficult to draw right and went through a couple different versions but the drawing of the dress on her is one of my favorite drawing accomplishments. It just flows so well. You can check out the sketches below.

Ron didn't know exactly what he wanted for this but I knew instantly when he told me the name. I gave our Molli braids and a sick Boombox. Boom!

Ron came back to me with an idea to use the Gameboy/Nintendo idea I had for Retro Jalapeno and so Cinnamon Ghost Punch was born. It's a play off the cereal name "Cinnamon Toast Crunch" but this sauce is nothing like that kiddie cereal. This has ghost peppers and cinnamon. Then I mimicked "Punch Out!" complete with a Little Mac version of Molli. The background is based off of some of the classic Nintendo packaging for the Power Glove. This is easily one of my favorites both label and sauce.